Senior Vice President and Chief of Staff
Massachusetts Bankers Association

Nicole is Vice President and Chief of Staff for the Massachusetts Bankers Association (MBA). She is working directly on all Executive and Board matters, leading the Charitable and Scholarship Foundations and supports the entire MBA team on key initiatives including the DEI Council, strategic planning, special projects, and more.

Prior to joining the MBA, she was the Senior Vice President and Chief Diversity officer for BayCoast Bank. In this executive role she was responsible for shaping the company’s internal diversity, equity and inclusion strategy, as well as, building relationships with key leaders, communities and organizations to create awareness and advocacy in a manner that was authentic to BayCoast Bank. Prior to assuming the role of Chief Diversity Officer, Nicole held the title of Senior Vice President, Chief Marketing Officer, providing marketing leadership and support to BayCoast Bank and its affiliates, championing and managing the BayCoast brand, and aligning marketing strategies and initiatives with the organization’s competitive strategy.

Nicole holds a Certified Financial Marketing Professional (CFMP) designation, a Certificate in Diversity and Inclusion, and sits on several financial industry boards. Nicole spent 4 years on the ABA Bank Marketing School Advisory Board and currently serves on the ABA CFMP Advisory Board, the Professional Development Council and is the current Chair of the ABA Emerging Leaders Council at the national level. Nicole has also served as an inaugural board member for the Society for Bank Executives, a nationwide effort for bank leadership development.

Nicole is a strong community advocate and has always been involved with many boards and ad-hoc committees for local non-profit organizations over the past 20 years, including currently serving as Board Member and Treasurer for Youth Opportunities Unlimited, as well as, Board Member and 2023 Campaign Chair for United Way of Greater New Bedford. She is a recipient of the 2015 Leadership Southcoast Distinguished Alumni Award and in 2016 the YWCA Women of Distinction- Yvonne Drayton Award.

Nicole is a graduate of the New England School of Financial Studies and is currently pursuing her Bachelor’s Degree in a fast- tract program through Bristol Community College and UMASS Dartmouth.